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Blueprint Helper Nodes

There are multiple blueprint nodes to help with state and transition logic available from within a local node graph. Right click to get the context-menu in a valid graph and search for Graph Nodes to display them.

Transition graph helper nodes

Context Sensitive

The available nodes change with the local graph context.

Get Node Instance

Returns the node instance for the current state, transition, or conduit. From here additional methods are available.

Is State Machine in End State

True as soon as a State Machine is in an end state (red node with no valid transitions) This is ideal when transitioning out of a nested state machine and you want to wait for its completion.

This used to be displayed as Has State Machine Reached End State, but the new name better describes its behavior.

Has State Updated

True once a state has updated at least once.

Time in State

The total time the current state has been active. This is always the local time according to the client.

Get State Info and Get Transition Info

Retrieve blueprint friendly read only structs containing helpful information.

Any contained Guids can be checked against the instance itself with Try Get State Info or Try Get Transition Info.

Possible Deprecation

It is generally better to call Get Node Instance instead. The node instance contains all information found in the struct and more.

Struct access is an older approach for accessing this data and may be deprecated in the future.