Build Gameplay Systems Faster

A robust state machine framework for advanced narrative systems, combat design, and more.

background image of a state machine graph
blank foreground image overlapping the state machine graph
logic driver logo with megagrants (png)

Unreal Engine State Machine Plugin

Create branching dialogue and quest systems, responsive combat mechanics, intelligent AI, and more, all with an intuitive graph-based editor for UE5.

Create Your Node

Create node classes in blueprints or C++, encapsulate reusable logic, and expose variables on states.

Define editor construction scripts, node validation, and rule behavior to streamline development.

Design Your Graph

Organize your logic flow and easily transition between states by evaluating conditions or binding to events.

Quickly preview your creations in the blueprint editor or debug them during play testing.

From Prototyping to Production

Logic Driver has been developed with insights from indie pioneers to industry giants and seamlessly integrates with Unreal Engine.

Spend less time prototyping, developing, and debugging different systems and focus on what truly matters – making your game.

© 2020-2025 Recursoft LLC